
We are here to feed your passion and spread our love of Cuban Salsa.

Started as a physical school in 2013-2018, last year we decided to change gear, taking the brand to a different direction, reaching out to a much bigger audience by being completely ONLINE. Our previous team of instructors have now opened up their own classes and they’re ready to put their own stamp on our local scene in Edinburgh.

We have big plans for Cuban Salsa School and you will hear from us shortly. In the meantime, please feel free to browse our website which is packed with valuable articles, interviews with some amazing artists, and other things related to Cuban Salsa. Remember to also tune in to our Podcast called Talking Cuban Salsa, which is available on iTunes and Spotify. We are passionate about the dances and music that make up Cuban Salsa, especially with respect to social dancing.

Make sure you sign up to our newsletters to have Cuban Salsa School’s latest news and articles delivered to your inbox (events, interviews, best practices, business insights, and more.. also online classes and teaching techniques later on).


By the way, have you visited our online school recently? It’s still in BETA version at the moment, but you are welcome to have a sneak peek! Visit courses.cubansalsaschool.com